Welcome to Alphapanda

We are a European digital marketing agency for the film industry.

Since 2011, we have developed an expertise in all areas of film marketing and social media for a variety of films and projects, from Hollywood blockbusters to indie documentaries, from festival darlings to film-related organisations. Our team represents eight nationalities and can work in eight languages, covering a wide range of skills: strategy, campaign management, art direction, copywriting, community management, research, design, video editing, ads management and quantitative analysis. We are a bunch of cinephiles, we value human contact and, above all, we love fighting for films made by passionate people.

We work with producers, distributors, sales agents, VOD platforms, funding bodies, promotion agencies and other organisations, adapting our expertise to any stage of the lifecycle of a film. We have worked on over 100 films over the years, helping us identify the needs of filmmakers as well as understand the specificities of the international film market and of audiences across borders. Creating a strategy and pitch deck for a film in development; implementing a festival launch campaign; designing a digital asset package; promoting a film for its theatrical release or a series for its launch; marketing an entire catalogue on social media… discover our full range of service packages or don’t hesitate to get in touch.


We have established a solid partnership with three festivals and markets we love to award ground breaking film projects. We are particularly proud of these awards that have given us access to fantastic teams of filmmakers and projects we have fallen in love with.

In May, we don’t only head to Cannes to meet most of our clients in person and to enjoy a glass of bubbly on the Croisette, we also give since 2021 the Alphapanda Award to one of the documentaries in development pitched at Cannes Docs.

Every year since 2019, between a cup of mulled wine and a cheese fondue, we have given the Alphapanda Audience Engagement Award to one of the work-in-progress projects of the Industry Village at Les Arcs Film Festival.

Watching a film under the stars of the Piazza Grande makes the Locarno Film Festival a totally magical place. But the coproduction forum Alliance 4 Development also gives us a chance to award a film in development with the Alphapanda Market Breakout Award.

Our team

Charlotte Heusler
Film Marketing Assistant
Charlotte Heusler
Valentina Neumann
Managing Director
Valentina Neumann
Joanna Solecka
Head of Alphapanda Warsaw
Joanna Solecka
Mathias Noschis
Head of Strategy
Mathias Noschis
Creative Communication Manager
Shinji Manlangit
Charlotte Voillequin
Film Marketing Manager
Charlotte Voillequin
Yevgeniy Armazov
Film Marketing Coordinator
Yevgeniy Armazov
Nicolò Gallio
Researcher & Strategist
Nicolò Gallio

Service packages


The Godfather

Whether at script stage or as a finished film, every project needs a solid strategy that acts as a backbone for the creation of promotional material and the implementation of marketing activities. On the basis of a script, a project description, a rough cut or a finished film, we research, brainstorm, balance all elements carefully to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your film and suggest a positioning, target audiences, benchmarks, promotional activities, or even a new title. Additionally to marketing strategies, we also develop specific social media strategies and can also create a pitch deck for your project.

Festival Launch

The Hangover

Getting a buzz on social media during your festival premiere has become just as key as getting press coverage and good reviews. Thanks to our long experience at international film festivals, we have developed a dedicated package aimed at creating an industry buzz and promoting the film to buyers, programmers and other key industry players. For key festivals, we can guarantee a presence of our team members on the spot. We can also take advantage to create interviews or other assets for the theatrical release of the film.

Digital Asset Package

The Great Beauty

In order to encourage the digital promotion of your film and ensure that the film is given the best possible online presence, we can create a social media package, which will be used for the digital promotion of the project at every stage of the film’s lifecycle. Such a packet includes still visuals and mini-videos, as well as more complex assets, such as video featurettes featuring your talents, vox pop interviews or other creative ideas.

Release Campaign

4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days

Whether theatrical or digital, the release of your film or series is a very special moment and social media allows you to reach and engage very precise target groups. For your blockbuster or your niche arthouse films, we create a full social media campaign. So far we have worked in Germany, France, Italy, US, UK, Ireland, Poland, Switzerland and Austria but our team is constantly expanding so we may be able to cover other territories very soon.

Long-Term or Ongoing Campaign

7 years in Tibet

The power of social media unleashes really on the long-term, when community building happens over year and users feel part of a community. We use our experience to plan your social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube and we manage and grow the community to achieve long-term goals. Although we implement such campaigns mostly for organisations (such as the European Film Academy or the German Creative Europe MEDIA Desks) or VOD platforms (such as Sooner in Germany), we’d be happy to discuss a long-term campaign for an individual film project.

Training and Speaking

Lost in Translation

Since the very launch of Alphapanda in 2011, we have participated in workshops, talks, round tables and other training initiatives to share our knowledge and spread our expertise in Europe and outside. Our experience covers some of the top organisations out there such as the Marché du Film, ACE Producers, EAVE, Torino Film Lab, IFFR Pro or Locarno Industry Academy. Whether it’s for just a talk or to plan an entire workshop, don’t hesitate to get in touch and start a conversation with us.


The Godfather

On the basis of a script, a rough cut or a finished film, we research, brainstorm , balance all elements carefully to suggest a positioning, target audiences, benchmarks, promotional activities, or even a new title. Additionally to marketing strategies, we can also create a pitch deck for your project.

Festival Launch

The Hangover

We have developed a dedicated package aimed at creating an industry buzz and promoting the film to buyers, programmers and other key industry players. For key festivals, we can guarantee a presence of our team members on the spot. We can also take advantage to create interviews or other assets for the theatrical release of the film.

Digital Asset Package

The Great Beauty

Whether theatrical or digital, the release of your film or series is a very special moment and social media allows you to reach and engage very precise target groups. For your blockbuster or your niche arthouse films, we create a full social media campaign.

Release Campaign

4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days

The power of social media unleashes on the long-term, when community building happens over year and users feel part of a community. We use our experience to plan your social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube and we manage and grow the community to achieve long-term goals.

Long-Term or Ongoing Campaign

7 years in Tibet

In order to encourage the digital promotion of your film and ensure that the film is given the best possible online presence, we can create a social media package, which will be used for the digital promotion of the project at every stage of the film’s lifecycle.

Training and Speaking

Lost in Translation

We participate in workshops, talks, round tables and other training initiatives to share our knowledge and spread our expertise in Europe and outside. Whether it’s for just a talk or to plan an entire workshop, don’t hesitate to get in touch and start a conversation with us.