Festival launch, release campaign
Client: Nefertiti Film, Alpha Violet, Territory: International, Italy, Year: 2021
A young woman in early-1900s Italy searches for a mystical sanctuary where her stillborn child can be brought back to life long enough to be baptized.

We already had an ongoing relationship with Nefertiti Film in Italy when they announced that Laura Samani’s first feature SMALL BODY was selected at the Critics’ Week at Cannes 2021.
Together with the sales agent Alpha Violet, Nefertiti hired us to promote the world premiere and create a buzz in the industry at a festival that was happening during the pandemic.
Considering the huge talent of the director and the fact that the film’s main topics were maternity and gender, we decided to highlight the female gaze present in the film together with the very poetic and sacred flair of the images.
We created triptychs that remind of religious iconography as well as simple quote videos with the main protagonists of the film.

Valentina Neumann
Project Manager
Italian release
For the Italian release, Nefertiti Film took care of the distribution together with a team of direct distribution professionals.
The fact that the film is strongly anchored in the North-Western part of the country (it is entirely shot in a local dialect) means that the distribution strategy included a tour of the director and the main cast in many cities of the region and beyond.
In such cases, social media offers great opportunities for local targeting with a campaign that alternates visuals and posts that are promoted on a wide scale and events and visuals that are specifically created for a city or even a cinema.
We used Instagram and Facebook to reach out to pre-identified target groups in that way.
Press quote AV.mp4

Results & highlights
The triptychs were unanimously considered as the visual highlight of the campaign, since they captured so well the essence of this little gem of a film.
We were also very happy (and maybe even surprised) with the engagement that the campaign received in Italy around the release. It appears that we managed to get lots of interaction from young mothers, a target group that is notoriously hard to engage.